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Specialist Resource Base

Specialist Resource Base (SRB)


The Specialist Resource Base (SRB) at King Henry 3-19 School provides an environment and curriculum tailored to the needs of pupils who require a different approach to their learning and the use of specialist approaches. The staff team are very well established and skilled in supporting pupils who have complex additional learning needs including Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD).

Our offer:

  • Access to a specialist teacher and specialist teaching assistants
  • Provision of a progressive curriculum, with small step teaching, where pupils acquire a breath of skills essential for their development
  • Learning delivered through meaningful contexts and adapted to meet individual pupils’ needs and interests
  • Flexible access to individual, small group and whole class teaching as appropriate, including integration into mainstream classes
  • A structured teaching approach, based upon principles of TEACCH, to provide a calm, orderly and predictable learning environment and a high level of routine to increase familiarity
  • A total communication approach including use of objects, photos or symbols of reference, signing and ICT
  • Following guidance from the Speech and Language Therapy Service, access to low / high tech Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) systems as appropriate, such as use of Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
  • Multi-agency working – regular liaison and meetings with professionals in health and social care
  • Staff trained in health and safety aspects such as Team Teach
  • Language and communication targets integrated into daily planning
  • Sessions to develop natural and spontaneous communication through the use of visually based and highly motivating activities
  • Attention Autism
  • An emphasis upon anxiety management for pupils
  • Access to Flexi Bounce Therapy by trained staff, to provide therapeutic exercise, as appropriate
  • Pupils’ individual sensory profiles planned for, to make adaptations to the sensory environment where possible and provide opportunities for a ‘sensory diet’, for example, through use of our sensory spaces
  • Weekly visits from a music therapist
  • Access to a safe and secure environment at unstructured times

Pupils are placed in the SRB by the Local Authority.