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Additional Learning Needs

Additional Learning Needs (ALN)

Every pupil within King Henry VIII 3-19 School is entitled to access a broad and balanced curriculum within a stimulating and inclusive environment where all pupils are encouraged, valued, and accepted regardless of their individual needs or disabilities.

Pupil needs at King Henry VIII 3-19 School are largely met within the classroom though a universal provision that is clearly focused upon excellent teaching and learning. For pupils with an identified learning need reasonable adjustments are made within the classroom to help them to overcome barriers to their learning, such as using a coloured overlay when reading, or being provided with additional time when completing activities.

Pupils with identified additional learning needs who do not make progress through reasonable adjustments, may attend a targeted intervention.  These can be short term or long term and are focused upon specific barriers to learning, for example literacy, numeracy, communication or emotional wellbeing needs.  Where support involves long-term targeted intervention, these are built into the curriculum structure and may mean a slight change to the mainstream timetable.  Input of targeted intervention will be discussed with the pupil and parents, with a focus on transferring skills developed in the targeted intervention into mainstream lessons. This will be recorded through a One Page Profile and individualised targets will be agreed, monitored and reviewed on an on-going basis.

Pupils within Years 7 – 11 who require ongoing support to help them access the curriculum effectively may be placed within a small group provision class where work is highly differentiated and where they have access to Teaching Assistants (TAs) during lessons throughout the day.

For those pupils with additional learning needs which call for additional learning provision, Individual Development Plans are created.  Additional learning provision is ‘additional to’ or ‘different from’ that which is generally provided for pupils within our school. This provision will be bespoke and other agencies will likely provide advice and support

On transition to King Henry VIII 3-19 School, staff will review the content and provision of any existing IDP in order to agree to adopt the IDP.  For pupils identified when on roll at the school, a lead professional will be allocated to develop the Individual Learning Plan alongside the pupil, parents and other relevant professionals.

ALN appointments and Parent/Carer Drop-In session

Senior ALNCo for the school is Mr Martin Williams

Primary ALNCo is Mrs Kerrie Martin

If you would like to make an appointment to see either ALNCo, please contact the ALN Administrative Assistant, Ms Hazel Brown:  01873 735373 or email

Alternatively, both ALNCOs run a joint drop-in session each fortnight which parents/carers are invited to attend to ask questions and raise any concerns they may have. If you would like to attend one of the drop-in sessions, please complete the booking form using the link below:

Booking Form

For more information regarding ALN, please see the following link here